Holy Shit, LMAO, that was Bad-Ass. Thank god I'm immune to emotional scaring. If someone would air this on nick, it would be so awesome.
Holy Shit, LMAO, that was Bad-Ass. Thank god I'm immune to emotional scaring. If someone would air this on nick, it would be so awesome.
Ok 1234567890
The awesome thing is begining to wear thin with me. It was funny the first couple of times but its pretty much the same thing.
That was freaking awesome
it was very well made and realistic. I just love bullettime effects. As the guy before me wrote, this is like the flash equivalent of an action lover's wet dream. You deserve the full 10/10 5/5. nuff' said.
This is THE funniest thing I've ever seen on Newgrounds and I've been here for many years. Why is this not on the front page forever?! I worship you, I bow down before you TypeQueen!!
Best Halo parody I've ever seen. The voices were genius. This was great. I detect epic win!
lol wat
That was sick and disturbing.
Laughed my ass off.
10/10 5/5
I know the graphics aren't good but Ifor some reason I loved this one. BTW, what songs did you use? I mean other than the zelda one, cause they sound like they're parts of the same song.
Funny as hell, mainly the guy's feet. They were running way too fast and warping between dimensions.
I'm pretty sure that Albion is the land where the game Fable takes place.
I detect epic win
Joined on 6/27/07